Speak at a Web Geeks event

DSM Web Geeks is the community hub for web developers interested in learning new skills in web trends and technologies. We’re always looking for speakers for each of our monthly events.

On the second Monday of every month, is our evening event. The format varies between lecture style, round table discussion, and “hackathon”. We also have a lunch event each month hosted by our generous partners like Happy Medium, Blue Compass, or Source Allies. If you’re interested in presenting we’ll work with you to help prepare your talk and choose the right format that works best for you.

Our interests are varied and our audience is too. So, the only guidance we give is to keep your topics focussed on web development, and even though you may have an awesome product — please don’t sell us anything :). We typically like to have as many programming heavy talks as design talks (pro tip: we usually always have room for more design talks).

Fill out this form to speak at our next event:

Submit your talk