Web Geeks Dojo Hack-a-thon: July 31 6:30 @ Startup City

Just like last time let’s meet up at Startup City downtown (http://www.startupcitydsm.com/contact/), and hack on our app.

Fork the project here — https://github.com/dsmwebgeeks/WG-State-Fair-App

We’ve already made a lot of headway on our app (read our past blog posts for info), but most of our features need to be refined and tested. Below is a list of our final tasks to finish the app. Please choose one or more items that you can complete:

  1. Create a data structure API
  2. Style and add buttons for filtering
  3. Filter list of vendors by category
  4. Sort the vendor list by nearest geo location
  5. Calculate geo location distance
  6. Show vendor page
  7. Edit vendor data to toggle their category
  8. Allow commenting on vendors
  9. Confirm off line mode works

Let us know if your coming by RSVPing via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1394803394101841/